OCTOBER 12, 2013 BY 

As always, this year’s statistics for our 5th comprehensive, 4th annual Recycling Day are an increase from last year’s, across the board!

We greatly thank our 30+ volunteers that came to help set up, direct traffic, unload cars, hustle for donations, survey users, and make this day a huge success!  We also greatly thank our partners who all subsidize their time, labor, and costs to participate in helping Green Up our valley!  Thanks to Waste Management for bringing over a dozen employees to shuffle hundreds of car loads of Electronic Waste, now banned from the landfill.  Thanks to Twin Enviro Services/Home Resource for bringing three employees to accept anything and everything including the kitchen sink – literally – from  appliances, bikes and yard waste and everything in between!  To Routt County Environmental Health for properly disposing of all the household hazardous waste!  To the City of Steamboat for sharing a couple of dedicated community officers to help direct traffic and providing the ideal location! And thanks to our smaller partners too! Lightworks of Steamboat , Napa Auto Parts, Post Net, Ski Haus, Safeway, and Willow Creek Oxygen and Medical Supply!

And now, (drumroll please!) on to our astounding results!!

461 cars recycled: 

205 pairs of skis
3 oxygen tanks
100 aluminum cans (4H fundraiser)
45 bikes
30 cubic yards of organic materials to be composted
30 cubic yards of metal
25 cubic yards of Home Resource
3800 total pounds of Household Hazardous Waste including:
564 lbs of reusable cleaners
2598 lbs of oil-based paints
228 lbs flammables
306 lbs of household hazardous waste
103 lbs of aerosol waste
600 gallons of latex paint
40  gallons of “old”  gasoline
15  gallons of anti-freeze
65 gallons of motor oil
350 gallons of Styrofoam peanuts
45 car batteries
20 gallons of upcycling (chip wrappers)
300 light tubes
285 compact fluorescents
15 cubic yards of single stream recycling
18 cubic yards of cardboard
102 cubic yards of Electronic-Waste (29,000 pounds!)
250 corks
150 gallons of plastic bags
100 shoes
75 cell phones
196 bike tubes and tires

A big thanks to all who donated, we raised over $800 for YVSC and this event!  Miss your chance? Donate now!

For last year’s numbers, see the bottom of our page here: https://yvsc.org/calendar/upcoming-events/recycling-drop-off/

Photos from this year’s event: