Gardens and Landscapes
Is your yard sustaining water? Outdoor water usage accounts for 30% of water usage in the City of Steamboat Springs and Mount Werner Water & Sanitation District, which makes improving water conservation within our landscapes an important strategy for reducing water use.
Are you taking water conservation measures in your own yard or garden? If you are taking any of the below actions, we want to know! Send a picture of your yard or garden to info@yvsc.org, and receive a free Sustaining Water yard sign to help inspire your neighbors to do the same!
Using a rain barrel
Planting native or drought-tolerant species
Improving irrigation efficiency
Letting grass go dormant (brown)
Applying xeriscape design
Adhere to the watering schedule
Replacing or reducing lawn
Building a rain garden
Get Your Sign!
Send us a picture of your yard to receive your free sign.

See how your neighbors are Sustaining Water in their own landscapes >