Colorado Green Business Network of the Yampa Valley
The Colorado Green Business Network of the Yampa Valley is a free, technical assistance and environmental recognition program. We work with local businesses and organizations to support and recognize excellence in sustainable operations, equity and resource management.
Join us for our final ‘Business Leadership for Climate’ Community Celebration Tuesday, September 17 – an opportunity to meet our green business participants, learn more about their products and services, and what they have been doing in the green business realm.
What is the Colorado Green Business Network of the Yampa Valley?
The Colorado Green Business Network of the Yampa Valley (CGBN-YV) is a Regional Partner of the Colorado Green Business Network (CGBN) – a state initiative created through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. We are a free, voluntary program that provides technical assistance to, and promotion and recognition of, local businesses and organizations in the Yampa Valley pursuing sustainability goals.
Our role is to provide an accessible, Yampa Valley-based team with the knowledge and tools to walk you through the CGBN registration and application process. Our goal is to make it easy to connectwith funding, resources and skills that make sustainability attainable across business sector and size.
How it works
The first step to joining the Colorado Green Business Network of the Yampa Valley is registering your business or organization in CGBN’s GreenBiz Tracker. This simple (and quick) step of signing up will get you connected to the CGBN newsletter, which includes information about upcoming events and educational and funding opportunities. All freely available.
Once registered and depending on your sustainability goals, CGBN-YV freely supports you through three approaches:
1) Conducting off-site coaching and on-site technical assistance to any business that requests it. These assessments are a valuable way to identify opportunities for environmental and social performance and resource savings, and to target areas businesses want to improve such as energy, water, waste and transportation.
2) Providing businesses with a report of recommendations and connections to rebates, grants, additional technical assistance and ongoing coaching and support in the form of trainings, newsletters, workshops, events and networking opportunities.
3) For businesses or organizations that choose to pursue Bronze, Silver or Gold-level certification, recognizing and awarding businesses for exemplary practices that lead to resource reduction. Certified businesses are recognized in a public, searchable CGBN directory and receive a CGBN press kit including a window decal for storefront marketing, logo and governor signed certificate. Additionally, certified businesses receive priority permitting within the CO Department of Public Health and Environment, support with regulatory assistance, and letters of recommendation for grant and program applications.
Contact Us:
Office Hours:
Join us at the Bud Werner Memorial Library Coffee Bar the last Wednesday of every month from 8:30-9:30 a.m. Drop by, grab a free coffee and snack on us and bring any questions you may have. No RSVP needed.
Green Business Workshops:
3.27.24 – Earning points for recognition – slides, recording
5.29.24 – Funding opportunities – slides, recording
9.17.24 – Community celebration – join us!
Your contribution makes a difference
Your contributions and actions matter to the sustainability of the Yampa Valley. By joining this program, not only will you be lessening your environmental impact on the valley that we all cherish, but you will also be advancing economic sustainability for your business. You will be setting an example for the Yampa Valley community to prioritize sustainability, while attracting customers who are looking for businesses contributing to the community and making a positive impact.