MARCH 27, 2019 BY 

YVSC’s Sustainable Business Services can help you reduce your business’ carbon footprint

Here in the Yampa Valley, everything is tied to our environment. Our world-class snow, serene forests, pure air, clean water and bountiful agricultural land are what make the Yampa Valley such a special place to live and to visit. These natural resources also drive our local economy.

Yampa Valley Sustainability Council (YVSC) is engaging people of all ages to reduce carbon emissions, protect the Yampa Valley’s unspoiled natural environment, and sustain our community’s economy and quality of life for future generations. Local businesses can be part of this effort by working to make their business operations more sustainable—a win for the planet and for your bottom line.

By making your business more sustainable, you can

  • lower operating costs
  • build customer loyalty by showing your commitment to the environment
  • increase employee engagement and job satisfaction
  • reduce your business’ impact on the climate

YVSC can help you accomplish your business sustainability goals through our extensive knowledge, tools and resources, hourly consulting services, team building activities, free educational events, volunteer service projects, sponsorship opportunities and more. YVSC can also conduct an inventory of your business and create a multifaceted sustainability plan based on your goals, staff resources and budget.

Please contact us at or 970.871.9299, or visit, for more information about the services described below and associated fees.

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Waste Diversion

YVSC’s Waste Diversion program is making Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle the cultural norm by increasing access to recycling and providing waste reduction opportunities, advocacy, outreach and education.

Biannual Commercial Recycling Drop-Off

Businesses have the opportunity to conveniently and responsibly recycle a wide variety of hard-to-recycle items at this one-stop-drop event. Materials accepted from the commercial sector include electronics, scrap metal, books, lightbulbs and more. There is an entrance fee of $25 for businesses and additional recycling fees apply. Go to for times, materials accepted and fees. Certificate of hard drive shredding available upon request.

Yampa Valley Recycles App

The Yampa Valley Recycles app takes the guesswork out of recycling. Now you and your employees can search hundreds of items—from pizza boxes to packing peanuts—and find out where to recycle them locally, right from your smartphone, tablet or computer. The app makes it easy to recycle it right and is available at or download it FREE from your phone’s App Store. After you search for items, try the “How to Recycle it Right” game and test your knowledge of curbside recycling.

Waste assessment

YVSC will come dig through your business’ trash to help identify ways to improve recycling and find opportunities to reduce waste though better purchasing practices. Waste assessments are eye opening and an easy way to gather baseline data, set goals, save money and get employees invested in reducing your company’s environmental footprint.

Recycling signage

Clear and consistent signage is the key to a successful business recycling program. YVSC provides recycling signs you can print and post for employees and customers.

Food Rescue

Restaurants and other food service businesses can legally donate surplus food (thanks to the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Act) to feed hungry people in our community and reduce the amount of biodegradable food waste going to the landfill. YVSC helps connect food donors with food receivers and create safe systems for food rescue.

Stormwater education

Restaurants (and other businesses) can prevent their waste and grease from ending up in the Yampa river and also help deter bears by following stormwater and wastewater best management practices. In partnership with the City of Steamboat Springs, YVSC provides employee education and signage for your business to help you comply with city regulations and avoid fines.

 Plastic Bag Ban implementation

Once passed, YVSC can help businesses implement the City of Steamboat Springs’ plastic bag ordinance and educate staff and customers.

Event consulting

YVSC helps make corporate events of any size more sustainable from the initial planning to waste disposal. We help you look upstream to reduce waste from products and packaging before it is generated. We also provide waste station tents and signage to help attendees put waste in the right place.

DIY event kit

YVSC’s DIY recycling bins, trash bins and signage are available for a minimal charge, making smaller sustainable events (200 attendees or less) both easy and affordable.

Water Monster

YVSC reduces single-use plastic water bottles at large public events by providing our Water Monster water refill stations for a nominal fee. These 120-gallon portable water refill stations provide free water to attendees of sporting, music, school and other large events. When the tank is filled just once, it eliminates the need for 1,000 single-use plastic water bottles.

Sustainable transportation

YVSC encourages sustainable transportation through education and contests.

Electric Vehicle Ride-n-Drive

YVSC hosts an annual “show & tell” of electric (EV) and plug-in hybrid electric (PHEV) vehicles. Participants can see different types of electric vehicles, ask questions of owners and test drive some of these super-high MPG, cleaner air vehicles. If you’re looking to upgrade or replace your fleet vehicles, come to the Steamboat Farmers Market on June 15, 2019, to learn more about EVs. YVSC can also help businesses connect to grant opportunities for EV charging stations.

Commuter Challenge

YVSC’s Commuter Challenge encourages community members to green their commute and reduce their carbon footprint during the month of June—and beyond—by walking, biking, riding the bus or carpooling. Business teams are encouraged to participate and compete against other local businesses for prizes. Learn more and sign up in May at

Spare the Air

To protect air quality and reduce unnecessary fuel use, YVSC provides no idling education and resources, as well as Spare the Air street signs (for a nominal fee) for your business. Learn more at


YVSC is helping businesses and residents improve energy efficiency and reduce utility bills, advocating for renewable energy, and supporting our local economy through assessments, rebates and incentives. Specific programs are also available for residents who make 80% of Area Median Income based on their family size.

 Commercial building energy assessments

An energy assessment is a great first step to improve energy efficiency and reduce utility costs. Local experienced Energy Analysts identify areas of your commercial space that are leaky or inefficient and help you prioritize retrofit work. Rebates are available to offset a portion of assessment costs.

Energy efficiency experts

Once you’ve identified improvements to increase your building’s energy efficiency, YVSC provides a list of local energy efficiency contractors at

Commercial energy efficiency resources

YVSC provides information on a variety of grant, rebate, loan and finance programs available to your business to save energy and reduce utility costs. Learn more at

Green Building

YVSC helps improve the energy efficiency, sustainability and indoor health of our local built environment by providing resources and educational opportunities for construction professionals, real estate professionals, homeowners and businesses about a variety of green building topics. YVSC organizes quarterly workshops and the annual Sustainable Home Tour.

Sustainable Business and Solar Tour: Is solar right for your home or business?

Join us at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 9, 2019. at Mountain Valley Bank. CSU Extension Energy Specialist Cary Weiner will discuss the financial decision-making process to go solar. Matt Piva of Brightside Solar will give an overview of the bank’s rooftop solar installation. At 6:30 p.m., the tour will progress to Butcherknife Brewing Company for an overview of their solar installation led by Colin McCaulley of Sunwise Solar.


YVSC’s ReTree program is restoring upland and riparian forests and connecting the local community to their environment through tree planting and stewardship projects. Sign up your team for a scheduled event, or YVSC can work with you to find a project that suits your team-building goals.

Talking Green

YVSC is inspiring local climate action through our adult education series featuring guest speakers, films and tours. Talking Green events provide free employee education and enrichment opportunities. Visit for upcoming events.

Volunteer opportunities

Create a stronger work team by volunteering together at YVSC’s spring or fall Recycling Drop-Off, ReTree potting, planting or fencing projects, or other YVSC events. It’s a fun way to build comradery amongst employees and make a difference in our community. View upcoming volunteer opportunities at


Partner with YVSC to reduce our community’s carbon footprint and gain marketing exposure. Sponsorship opportunities for various programs are available starting at $500. Go to to learn more.