JUNE 2, 2019 BY 

Letter to the editor by Diane R. Miller
Steamboat Pilot & Today | May 31, 2019

Yampa Valley Electric Association customers received ballots for three board of directors positions in the mail this week. Don’t throw that ballot away. YVEA customers have had historically low, low participation rates in these elections. But if you think this election isn’t worth your time, please read on.

YVEA directors make decisions that affect the affordability, sustainability and future of our electrical grid. These decisions in turn affect economic development and diversification, the environment, resilience to wildfire risk, our ability to comply with state-mandated renewable energy goals and job training opportunities for coal industry workers. These are all vitally important issues that deserve our time and attention as energy consumers.

I personally found that the biographical information included in the ballot envelope was not sufficient to judge the candidates’ capabilities, vision and viewpoints, particularly if you value forward-thinking leadership that will help YVEA transition to a sustainable energy future.

Please do your homework and find out more about YVEA candidates and where they stand on our energy and economic future. Perhaps the Steamboat Pilot & Today could publish a Q and A with these candidates before the ballot deadline? In any case, don’t let this opportunity to participate in an important election pass you by. Your YVEA ballot is due on June 20 and must be signed by the YVEA member, i.e. the person whose name is on the account.

Diane R. Miller
Steamboat Springs

Editor’s note: The Steamboat Pilot & Today will be sending out questions to candidates this weekend and a Q. and A. will be published in the newspaper next week.