OCTOBER 31, 2013 BY 

Thursday, November 7th 2013susan_headshot150download
5:30 – 6:30 pm at Shelly’s Soups & More (135 11th Street)
$10 per person
Call 970.871.9151 to register

Yampatika, Shelly’s Soups & More and Susan E. Mead join together to bring you a delicious and interactive class about the many health benefits of winter-warming soups which include foods you grow yourself, purchase from local growers or gather in the wild (respectfully, of course).  In just one hour we will learn fun and interesting facts about local nettles, wild onion, garlic and other ingredients which will help us stay off the sick-bed and on the slopes!

This class includes delicious samples of at least two different soups which contain some of the ingredients discussed.  Proceeds go to Yampatika whose mission is to inspire environmental stewardship through education.  Susan E. Mead is the Vice President of Yampatika’s board of Directors and a local herbalist and yoga instructor.