SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 BY 

Millions of students and adults are expected to join the global wave of climate strikes September 20-27, including students in Steamboat Springs

Friday, September 20
Historic Routt County Courthouse
Steamboat Springs

10 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. (Come and strike for all or part of this timeframe.)
All ages welcome. Adult support and enthusiasm for the strike encouraged and appreciated.
Learn more and RSVP at
More on the global climate strike at

FAQs about the school strike provided by Emi Cooper, Steamboat Springs High School Student and Fridays for Future climate organizer

Why are we school striking?

Heat waves, floods, and hurricanes are killing hundreds and devastating communities across the world. Climate change is already a deadly reality. Despite the latest stark warning from climate scientists that we have only 12 years to reverse course, politicians are ignoring their call.  In Colorado specifically, mountain snowpack has decreased by 20 to 60 percent since the 1950’s, according to an EPA analysis. We know Colorado’s average temperature has increased more than 2 degrees in the last 40 years. Climate change is threatening my generation’s future ability to ski and enjoy the outdoors the way past generations have.

What happened at the last two global school strikes?

On March 15th, 2019, school strikes, urging adults to take responsibility and stop the climate change, began taking place in over 2000 cities worldwide. an estimated number of 1.4 million pupils from around the world participated in the events. On May 24th, 2019 , hundreds of thousands of school students around the world struck in more than 1600 towns in at least 125 countries.

When is the next global strike?

A wave of global climate strikes will be happening around the world starting on September 20th. This will be a movement surrounding the UN Climate Summit to wake world leaders up to the truth of the climate crisis. By demonstrating people’s power, the organizers’ ambition to make this strike a turning point in history will become a reality.

What is Steamboat’s plan for September 20th?

Here at Steamboat Springs High School, we will strike from 10am to 1pm.

  • At 9:50, we will walk out of the high school and walk directly to the courthouse.
  • At 10:05, we will all assemble on the courthouse lawn. Signs will be dispersed by Eco Club members. People will also be welcome to make their own signs at the sign making station.
  • At 10:20, we will take our places sitting on the courthouse lawn and begin our climate strike.
  • At 11:30, we will eat lunch until 12. People are expected to pack their own lunch.
  • At 12:45, we will walk back to the high school and return to class.