NOVEMBER 10, 2016 BY 

As of Nov. 1, Clean Energy Collective has just 14 percent of the Yampa Valley Community Solar Array in Craig remaining for purchase by any Yampa Valley Electric Association customer. So far, 112 residential YVEA members have purchased panels, and Alpine Bank-Steamboat is setting the example as the only commercial customer so far. Other Routt and Moffat county businesses are encouraged to follow Alpine Bank’s lead. Time is running out for those who want to take advantage of 2016 tax credits as all sales must be finalized before Dec.30, 2016 in order to receive credit in the upcoming tax season.

To date, the local array has avoided 2,109 pounds of carbon emissions. That’s equal to the CO2 absorption power of planting 4,265 trees, or eliminating the emissions associated with driving 3,135 miles. Please consider going solar with RooflessSolar and YVEA.

For more information, log on to  or call 800-646-0323.