
Our goal is to reduce overall energy use and increase transitions to low or no-carbon energy systems in residential and commercial buildings throughout the Yampa Valley.

Our Role:

YVSC engages with nonprofit, government and industry partners in scoping our work to advocate for well-planned, clean energy infrastructure and beneficial electrification. We advocate for and provide education, technical assistance and needed services that increase energy efficiency and facilitate the transition to low or no-carbon energy. We also work to catalyze and support workforce development opportunities that strengthen local capacity and vibrant regional economic development. We will connect industry partners with local clients to increase adoption of energy technologies that reduce overall energy use.

Why it Matters:

As electricity generation becomes less carbon intensive, energy policy is promoting beneficial electrification and renewed efforts to increase energy efficiency in new and existing buildings.

Regionally, there are several challenges to the transition towards low or no-carbon energy. The rate structure of the local utility has lower incentives for solar and renewable energy than other regions in the state. Labor shortages are a key challenge to scaling up beneficial electrification and energy efficiency: there is a lack of qualified contractors and skilled labor, and overall contractor labor costs are very high due to limited supply.

Emissions from stationary, commercial and residential buildings were the largest producers of greenhouse gas emissions in the 2018 Routt County Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Forecasted Emissions Report, making it a key priority to meet the region’s decarbonization goals. Investing in well-planned, inclusive clean energy infrastructure and technology has the potential to increase economic growth while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Improving energy efficiency in residential and commercial buildings is an important way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save on operating costs and create safer and more comfortable living and working environments. 

Click the links below to learn more about the work YVSC is doing in each of these sectors.

Energy assessments facilitated. Equal to as much as 350 cars emit in one year.


What we are doing

Energy Programs

Renewable Energy Education

Through partnerships, programs and education, YVSC is working to support transitions to renewable energy in the Yampa Valley. Solar power is a leading option for “self-reliant renewable energy” in Routt County and YVSC works to increase local access to and adoption of solar. With our regional shift away from coal, YVSC serves as an organization of capacity for the state-led Just Transition efforts to support the needs of coal-reliant community transitions in Colorado’s future energy economy.

Contact the YVSC Energy & Transportation Director to learn more.

Commercial and Residential Energy Assessments

We don’t want the initial cost of energy assessments and upgrades to be a barrier to retrofitting your home or business. So that’s why YVSC serves as a resource and connector to support community members in leveraging rebates and incentives from local governments and utility partners to make them as affordable and accessible as possible.

Learn more and sign up

What you can do

Participate in an Energy Assessment for your home or business

Retrofit your home or business with energy efficient upgrades

Reduce your personal energy consumption