MARCH 13, 2018 BY 

Every year since 2007, millions of people, businesses and landmarks around the globe set aside one hour to host events, switch off lights, unplug electronics and make noise for climate action. In 2018, Earth Hour is at 8:30 p.m. (local time) on Saturday, March 24. Learn more about Earth Hour and get fun ideas for how to power down and celebrate the event here.

Earth Hour is more than just an hour. You can use the occasion to think about how to reduce your impact on the climate. YVSC’s climate action pledge is a great way to go “beyond the hour” and commit to reducing your carbon footprint. Just choose two or more actions from the list and sign the pledge online now to fight climate change locally!

I pledge to…

  1. Calculate your carbon footprint to identify ways you can shrink yours – Use the EPA’s online calculator at
  2. Reduce the amount of food you throwaway – Learn more and find resources to reduce food waste at
  3. Conserve energy by switching to LED lightbulbs
  4. Recycle something you haven’t in the past– Visit YVSC’s A-Z Recycling Guide for information on local recycling options for hard-to-recycle materials like electronics, paint, mattresses and more at
  5. Use alternative transportation– Take the FREE bus, walk, bike or carpool one day a week.
  6. Remember your reusable bags when you shop– Plastic bags are made from petroleum, clutter our landscape and pollute our environment—‘nuff said.
  7. Buy used rather than new and repair items whenever possible– Check out YVSC’s guide to local repair, thrift and consignment shops at
  8. Get a home energy assessment – Learn where your home leaks or is inefficient with a FREE or low-cost energy assessment. Sign up at
  9. Purchase carbon offsets– Offset your emissions and support in-state carbon reduction projects at
  10. Avoid unnecessary vehicle idling– Idling impacts air quality, and modern engines need no more than 30 seconds of idling before driving gently. Learn more at
  11. Say NO to single-use stufflike bottled water, to-go cups, plastic bags, paper towels and straws – Purchase a reusable water bottle and coffee mug and bring them everywhere.
  12. Save water and energyby installing high-efficiency, EPA WaterSense-rated showerheads and faucet aerators – Easy to install and inexpensive, both will lessen the demand on your hot water heater and reduce your utility bills. While you’re at it, set your hot water heater no higher than 120º.
  13. Go plastic-free in your home– Switch to bar soap rather than liquid, use glass food storage containers instead of plastic and explore plastic alternatives in other areas of your home.
  14. Install a programmable thermostat – Save 10–12% on your heating bills with this quick fix.
  15. Eat local– Visit the Community Ag Marketplace for local meat, eggs, veggies, baked goods and more at