DECEMBER 12, 2014 BY 


Recently, we have seen a growing number of bear/human interactions. The primary cause is improper trash storage.  Given an easy food source, bears go for it. So what? Bears eat garbage…BUT as they become habituated to interacting with people, what’s next? Destruction of property? Threats to human safety? “A fed bear is a dead bear.”

Make your voice heard- let City Council know how you feel about co-existing with Bears!

Steamboat Springs City Council Meeting
Tuesday, December 16th at 5:30pm (meeting starts at 5pm)
Centennial Hall, 124 10th Street, Steamboat Springs, CO

If you cannot attend, click here to contact your City Council member via e-mail.

In 2014, in NW CO alone, Colorado Parks and Wildlife was forced to kill 111 “nuisance” bears and relocate 79.

Can we do better? The City of Steamboat Springs, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, and local trash collection companies are working together to come up with solutions! Support them in meeting their shared objectives of upholding the safety of humans and bears.

Topics include:
*Trash container policies.
*The role of local law enforcement.
*The role of Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

Please attend to make your comments and help this community issue resolve peacefully and in the best interest of all. If you cannot attend, click here to contact your City Council member via e-mail.


*Photos by Christy Bubenheim, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
