Oktoberforest Trivia & ReTree IPA Tapping

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 Join YVSC and The Nature Conservancy at Mountain Tap October 11 for an OktoberForest tapping party and trivia night!

ReTree Spruce IPA, brewed to celebrate YVSC’s ReTree tree-planting program, will tap up at 3 p.m. The fun grows as the evening progresses, with The Nature Conservancy and YVSC hosting an OktoberForest trivia game from 6-7:30 p.m., celebrating the connection between healthy forests and great beer.

ReTree Spruce IPA was conditioned with Colorado-grown spruce tips resulting in its robust piney flavor and aroma, reminiscent of being in a forest. The spruce tips, literally tips of spruce tree branches, were responsibly wild harvested in the Southern Colorado San Juan mountains and impart slight mint, pine, melon and citrus notes. This year’s 15th annual ReTree program will take place over three weekends this fall. Over the 14 years prior, YVSC’s ReTree events have planted more than 24,000 trees in the Yampa Valley. To sign up for ReTree on October 12, visit yvsc.org/event/retree-planting-3/.

OktoberForest is an annual event hosted in various locations across Colorado by The Nature Conservancy’s emerging leaders group, the 13ers. It serves to raise awareness about the important role forests play in providing clean water and highlights TNC Colorado’s work on forest restoration and watershed health. OktoberForest highlights the connection between trees, water and beer. Approximately 40% of the world’s usable water comes from forests, and beer is 90% water, so forest restoration is an important topic within the brewing industry.

Admission is free, and Mountain Tap will donate $1 for every ReTree Spruce IPA sold to YVSC.

Thank you to our partners & sponsors!

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