
Our goal is to increase access to and use of multi-modal transportation and transitions to low or no-carbon transportation systems throughout the Yampa Valley.

Our Role:

YVSC is working to increase the adoption of low and no carbon vehicles. We serve as a connector between transportation industry opportunities to local residents, businesses and governments. In addition to low carbon transportation, YVSC aims to find creative solutions that reduce vehicle-miles-traveled (VMT) in the region. We do this by providing education and technical assistance to community members, governments and businesses working to increase electric vehicle adoption, electric vehicle structural equipment infrastructure and multimodal transportation use at scale.

Why it Matters:

The state of Colorado has set ambitious EV and EVSE goals including the transition to 940,000 light-duty electric vehicles in Colorado by 2030 and the ultimate transition of Colorado’s transportation system to a long-term goal of 100% of light-duty vehicles being electric and 100% of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles being zero emissions

In 2018, emissions from transportation activities (i.e., on-road vehicles, aviation, and railways) in Routt County generated 26 percent of the community’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, making it the second largest contributor to GHG emissions according to the Routt County Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Forecasted Emissions Report.

Rural regions like the Yampa Valley lack local EV vendors, service providers and necessary EVSE infrastructure. While EVs are an important transportation strategy, overall focus on strategies to reduce per capita vehicle-miles traveled, investments in multi-modal and public transportation is essential to a low tono-carbon transportation future. Throughout the year, YVSC works closely with nonprofit, government and industry partners on regional planning for electric vehicles (EVs) and necessary electric vehicle service infrastructure (EVSI) required to support the transition. Transitioning our transportation systems and personal vehicle use towards electric vehicles (EVs) while supporting alternative and reduced transportation practices will dramatically reduce emissions.

Click the links below to learn more about the work YVSC is doing in each of these sectors.

What we are doing

Transportation Programs

Low-Carbon Transportation Education

We know that a lot of questions come up when choosing between low-carbon transportation options. YVSC serves as a technical resource and advisor in our region’s transition to low-carbon transportation systems. We do this by working closely with nonprofit, government and industry partners on regional planning for electric vehicles (EVs) and necessary electric vehicle service infrastructure (EVSI) required to support the transition.

YVSC has partnered with the City of Steamboat Springs on the EV Ride and Drive event series to help community members find an EV that best fits their lifestyle. At these events, community members have the opportunity to get behind the wheel of an EV and get their questions answered about all things EVs including vehicle makes, charging and ranges.

Contact the YVSC Energy & Transportation Director to learn more.

Annual CARbon-Free Challenge

Every year, YVSC holds the month-long, CARbon-Free Challenge (formerly known as the Commuter Challenge) to encourage the use of alternative forms of transportation, like biking, walking, or even roller blading, in order to reduce emissions. Participants log their miles traveled using alternative forms of transportation as solo riders, families, or adult teams for the chance to win prizes provided by local businesses.

Learn more

EV Ambassadors

Who better to advocate for Electric Vehicles than local EV owners themselves? YVSC’s Electric Vehicles (EV) Ambassadors are people who believe in a sustainable community and are enthusiastic about electrifying the vehicles that take them on their journeys. They see the advantages of electric vehicles and are the kind of people that can’t stop talking about EVs and how they will change the transportation game forever.

Learn more and sign up

What you can do

Participate in our next CARbon-Free Challenge

Become a YVSC EV Ambassador

Participate in one of the upcoming EV Ride-&-Drive Events

Contact us to initiate the installation of an EV charger at your apartment, condominium complex, business or place of work:

Paul Bony

Energy & Transportation Director

970-871-9299 ext 113