Does Pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) lead to more illegal dumping?
Kacey Underwood2019-05-14T21:37:03-06:00Overall, PAYT does not lead to increased illegal dumping. Hundreds of communities with PAYT
Overall, PAYT does not lead to increased illegal dumping. Hundreds of communities with PAYT
PAYT does not put small haulers out of business. PAYT can be enacted under
PAYT works under the basic environmental law principal of polluter pays. The premise is
City costs: Two large statewide surveys (WI, IA) showed that PAYT led to no
Both local governments and the private sector have the ability to provide cost-effective and
There are some changes to the trash system that can lead to lower costs.
Some small haulers may be at a competitive disadvantage however, small haulers have been
Single-hauler contracts typically result in lower prices for households (because of economies of scale,
In neighborhoods or cities that move from an "open" system (where citizens select their
Enacting regulations for hauler operations/licensing or contracting for services does not equate to a
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